

He Is Risen

“…just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” ~ Romans 6:4

Oftentimes, the monotony of daily life and the continual challenges we face day to day can make this verse difficult to remember. The past few years have been filled with illness, political turmoil, and now our brothers and sisters overseas are suffering more than we can even imagine. While it can be easy to allow these things to overwhelm us, we must remember the hope we have as believers.

Jesus Christ chose to humble Himself into human form, and then to death on the cross. He underwent the worst pain, and the most suffering, all to save us from our sin. Thankfully, the story does not end there! After three days Christ rose from the dead, defeating death and paying the price for us. He loved us enough to pay the ultimate sacrifice.

In Romans 6, Paul is explaining this sacrifice and the power of trusting in the one who saved us. Through the Holy Spirit, a person who trusts in Christ experiences a spiritual baptism that takes us into Christ Himself (1 Corinthians 12:13). We become so closely identified with Him that God gives us credit for Christ’s righteousness and accepts His death as payment for our sin.

This Easter Sunday, we are so thankful for what Christ has endured for us, and the transformation we receive when we believe in Him. No matter what challenges we face day to day, we have hope in knowing that He has the victory.

Happy Easter from us to you!